Getting Started on Sustainability at Home
When I started my focus on sustainability I started at home. So much of how you implement sustainability in your meetings and events can translate to what you do at home.
Below are some key focuses I recommend for reducing your personal carbon footprint.
Key is to Get Started!
- Start recycling now! Understand what your can recycle with plastics, etc..
- Purchase food in bulk, not in containers
- Make sure any food you do purchase your can recycle the container
- Buy local!!
- Compost: Its great for your garden
- Use your water bottle
- Don't use single use food and drink containers
- Buy second hand items and donate old items
- Use reusable grocery bags
- Reduce using paper. IE magazines, receipts, etc
- Don't use the toilet as a garbage
- Limit your shower time
- Make sure you have low flow toilet
- Do not let water run when brushing your teeth and shaving
- Wash your fruit and vegetables in a basin. Use a vegetable brush
- Only run your dishwasher and washer when full
- Scrape instead of wash dishes prior to going into dishwasher
- Sweep your driveway instead of spraying down
- Use a hose with low flow nozzle
- Repair all leaks
- Make sure your showerhead has low flow aerator
- Drive a Hybrid or electric car
- Walk or rid a bike instead of driving
- Make sure you switch off lights and appliances when not being used
- Use LED lights
- Manage your heating and cooling
- Install solar on house
- Shut doors and close curtains
- Use energy efficient appliances
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